A term coined by Mark Gonzales in late 2000, (What it isNt) is a way of expressing "It may not be what you expected, but just try to appreciate it”.
(What it isNt) とは、「それは、あなたが思い描いたものとは違うかもしれないけれど・・・きっと、クールだ」といったニュアンスのMark Gonzalesの造語。
It also became the title of a collab album release by Mark Gonzales & Tommy Guerrero produced around the same time.
また、同時期にリリースされたMark GonzalesとTommy Guerreroのコラボアルバムのタイトルである。
TG’s original music & MG’s poetry overlap in various styles. A crossover by two phenoms having pushed through the 80’s and 90’s together at full speed.
It was only released in Japan, but…
A term coined by Mark Gonzales in late 2000, (What it isNt) is a way of expressing "It may not be what you expected, but just try to appreciate it”.
(What it isNt) とは、「それは、あなたが思い描いたものとは違うかもしれないけれど・・・きっと、クールだ」といったニュアンスのMark Gonzalesの造語。
It also became the title of a collab album release by Mark Gonzales & Tommy Guerrero produced around the same time.
また、同時期にリリースされたMark GonzalesとTommy Guerreroのコラボアルバムのタイトルである。
TG’s original music & MG’s poetry overlap in various styles. A crossover by two phenoms having pushed through the 80’s and 90’s together at full speed.
It was only released in Japan, but…
piano (7)
Tommy Guerrero
Mark Gonzales
Art Liboon
Gabe Morford
untitled2001 Memorial LP jacket
The album was created in order to be released in conjunction with a hybrid street art event in Tokyo, which both MARK and TOMMY were to participate in. Grounded in SK8 culture, the essence of the “(What it isNt)” album experience (the music, lyrics & artwork) is in itself a consolidated depiction of “untitled2001”.
東京で開催されたストリート複合イベントuntitled2001に2人は参加し、アルバムはイべントともにリリース するために制作された。SK8カルチャーに根ざした「(What it isNt)」というアルバムの音楽、歌詞、アート ワークの融合・凝縮は、まさに「untitled2001」の縮図である。
What is "untitled2001"?
The legendary street art event in Tokyo that started it all.
"untitled2001" was literally an earthshaking street art event held between January 22nd and 28th 2001 in Tokyo. It created shockwaves that keep on influencing the world of art even 20 years later.
With the late Keith Haring headlining the occasion, it featured cutting-edge exhibitions and performances all over the city by artists coming from art scenes in California, New York and London among others. Many of which went on to become great icons later in their careers.
With the artists being encouraged to create whatever they wanted, it ended up going out of control - including theft, traffic violations, public nudity, fire hazards, literal head-to-head crashing of cars and property destruction in broad daylight at the center of Shibuya.
With the legend continuing to inspire new artists and being featured in film documentaries over the years, today "untitled2001" can only be described as a truly extraordinary moment in art history.
亡き巨匠キース・ヘリングを筆頭に、カリフォルニア・N Y・ロンドンなどのアートシーンから飛び出してきたアーティスト達は、最前線の展示やパフォーマンスで人々を魅了した。後にアート界に名を残す若き日の巨匠達である。
일본 도쿄에서 2001년 1월 22일부터 28일까지 열린 "untitled2001"은 말 그대로 문화를 뒤흔드는 스트릿 아트 이벤트였다. 당시의 충격은 20년이 넘게 지난 지금까지도 예술계에 영향력을 끼치고 있다.
키스 해링을 핵심으로 캘리포니아, 뉴욕, 런던 등지에서 다양한 분야의 예술가들이 최첨단 전시와 공연을 도시 곳곳에서 펼쳤다. 그들 중 대다수는 그후 본인들의 분야의 아이콘이 되며 큰 성공을 이루었다.
원하는 것은 무엇이든 만들 수 있는 자율성을 부여받은 아티스트들은 통제 불가의 상황을 만들었다 - 절도, 교통법규 위반, 공공 노출, 화재, 대낮의 자동차 정면 추돌 사고와 사유재산 파괴 등의 사고들이 시부야 중심에서 벌어졌다.
수년간 신인 아티스트들에게 영감을 주고 다큐멘터리에서 다뤄지는 등, "untitled2001"은 예술 역사상 가장 놀라운 순간으로 묘사될 수밖에 없다.
在已故的艺术巨匠凯斯·哈林(Keith Haring)的带领下,加利福尼亚,纽约,伦敦等地涌现出的艺术家们通过最前沿的展示和表演让人们感受到了街头艺术的魅力。而这些年轻的艺术家们后来也在艺术界声名鹊起。
“untitled2001” fue un impresionante evento de arte callejero que tuvo lugar del 22 al 28 de enero de 2001 en Tokio, Japón. Desencadenó ondas de choque que continúan reverberando en todo el mundo, influyendo en los artistas y el mundo del arte más de 20 años después de que sucediera.
Patrocinado por la Fundación Keith Haring, contó con exposiciones y actuaciones vanguardistas en todo Tokio de artistas de la escena artística de California, Nueva York y Londres, entre otros. Muchos de ellos se convirtieron en grandes iconos más adelante en sus carreras.
Durante el evento se animó a los artistas invitados a crear lo que quisieran, una propuesta liberadora que acabó por descontrolarse y resultó en robos, infracciones de tránsito, desnudez pública, riesgos de incendio, choques entre coches y destrucción de propiedades a plena luz del día en el centro de Shibuya.
El legendario evento sigue inspirando a nuevos artistas y ha aparecido en varios documentales cinematográficos al largo de los anos. Aún hoy, “untitled2001” sigue siendo un momento verdaderamente extraordinario en la historia del arte.
"untitled2001" était (littéralement) un événement artistique de rue qui a secoué le monde entier entre le 22 et le 28 janvier 2001 à Tokyo, au Japon. Il a créé des ondes de choc qui continuent d'influencer le monde de l'art, plus de 20 ans après.
Avec le regretté Keith Haring en tête d'affiche, l'événement a proposé des expositions et des performances d'avant-garde dans toute la ville, réalisées par des artistes issus des scènes artistiques de Californie, de New York et de Londres, entre autres. Beaucoup d'entre eux sont devenus de grandes icônes plus tard dans leur carrière.
Les artistes étant encouragés à créer ce qu'ils voulaient, l'événement a fini par devenir incontrôlable : vols, infractions au code de la route, nudité publique, risques d'incendie, collisions frontales entre voitures et destruction de biens en plein jour dans le centre de Shibuya.
Alors que la légende continue d'inspirer de nouveaux artistes et qu'elle est présentée dans des documentaires cinématographiques au fil des ans, on ne peut que qualifier aujourd'hui l'événement "untitled2001" de moment véritablement extraordinaire de l'histoire de l'art.
„untitled2001“ war eine beeindruckende Straßenkunstveranstaltung, die vom 22. bis 28. Januar 2001 in Tokio, Japan, stattfand. Es löste Schockwellen aus, die weltweit noch immer nachhallen und Künstler und die Kunstwelt mehr als 20 Jahre nach ihrem Ereignis beeinflussen.
Unter der Schirmherrschaft des verstobenen Keith Haring fanden in der ganz Stadt Tokio innovative Ausstellungen und Performances von Spitzenkünstlern statt, die unter anderem aus der Kunstszenen in Kalifornien, New Yorker und Londoner kamen. Die meisten dieser Künstler setzten ihre Karriere fort und wurden zu Ikonen neuer Wege, Kunst im 21. Jahrhundert zu schaffen und zu präsentieren.
Während der Veranstaltung wurden die Gastkünstler ermutigt, alles zu schaffen, was sie wollten: ein befreiendes Angebot, das schließlich außer Kontrolle geriet – was zu Raubüberfällen, Verkehrsverstößen, öffentlicher Nacktheit, Brandgefahren, Autounfällen und der Zerstörung von Eigentum am helllichten Tag auf einem Platz im Zentrum von Shibuya.
Das legendäre Ereignis inspiriert immer wieder neue Künstler und wurde im Laufe der Jahre in zahlreichen Filmdokumentationen gezeigt. „untitled2001“ ist bis heute ein wahrhaft außergewöhnlicher Moment der Kunstgeschichte.
"untitled2001" è stato (letteralmente) un evento di street art che ha scosso la terra, tenutosi tra il 22 e il 28 gennaio (2001) a Tokyo, Giappone. Ha creato onde d'urto che continuano a influenzare il mondo dell'arte, oltre 20 anni dopo.
Con il defunto Keith Haring a fare da padrone di casa, l'evento presentava mostre e performance all'avanguardia in tutta la città da parte di artisti provenienti dalle scene artistiche di California, New York e Londra, tra gli altri. Molti dei quali sono diventati grandi icone più tardi nella loro carriera.
Con gli artisti incoraggiati a creare tutto ciò che volevano, finì per andare fuori controllo - inclusi furti, violazioni del traffico, nudità pubblica, pericoli d'incendio, letterale scontro frontale di auto e distruzione di proprietà in pieno giorno nel centro di Shibuya.
Con la leggenda che continua a ispirare nuovi artisti ed è stata presentata in documentari cinematografici nel corso degli anni, oggi "untitled2001" può essere descritto solo come un momento davvero straordinario nella storia dell'arte.
"untitled2001" (शाब्दिक रूप से) जापान के टोक्यो में 22 और 28 जनवरी (2001) के बीच आयोजित एक अर्थशेक स्ट्रीट आर्ट इवेंट था। इसने ऐसे झटके पैदा किए जो 20 साल बाद भी कला की दुनिया को प्रभावित करते रहते हैं।
स्वर्गीय कीथ हारिंग ने इस अवसर पर प्रमुखता के साथ, कैलिफोर्निया, न्यूयॉर्क और लंदन में कला दृश्यों से आने वाले कलाकारों द्वारा पूरे शहर में अत्याधुनिक प्रदर्शनियों और प्रदर्शनों को प्रदर्शित किया। जिनमें से कई बाद में अपने करियर में महान प्रतीक बन गए।
कलाकारों को जो कुछ भी वे चाहते थे उसे बनाने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किए जाने के साथ, यह नियंत्रण से बाहर हो गया - जिसमें चोरी, यातायात उल्लंघन, सार्वजनिक नग्नता, आग के खतरे, कारों का शाब्दिक सिर-से-सिर दुर्घटनाग्रस्त होना और दिन के उजाले में संपत्ति का विनाश शामिल है। शिबुया।
किंवदंती के साथ नए कलाकारों को प्रेरित करना और वर्षों से फिल्म वृत्तचित्रों में चित्रित किया जा रहा है, आज "untitled2001" को केवल कला इतिहास में वास्तव में असाधारण क्षण के रूप में वर्णित किया जा सकता है।
"untitled2001" ছিল (আক্ষরিক অর্থে) জাপানের টোকিওতে 22শে জানুয়ারী এবং 28ই (2001) এর মধ্যে অনুষ্ঠিত একটি পৃথিবী কাঁপানো রাস্তার শিল্প অনুষ্ঠান। এটি শকওয়েভ তৈরি করেছে যা 20 বছরেরও বেশি সময় পরেও শিল্পের বিশ্বকে প্রভাবিত করে চলেছে৷
প্রয়াত কিথ হ্যারিং এই অনুষ্ঠানের শিরোনাম করার সাথে সাথে, এটি ক্যালিফোর্নিয়া, নিউ ইয়র্ক এবং লন্ডনের শিল্প দৃশ্য থেকে আগত শিল্পীদের দ্বারা সারা শহর জুড়ে অত্যাধুনিক প্রদর্শনী এবং পারফরম্যান্স প্রদর্শন করে। যার মধ্যে অনেকেই পরে তাদের ক্যারিয়ারে মহান আইকন হয়ে ওঠে।
শিল্পীদের তারা যা খুশি তা তৈরি করতে উত্সাহিত করার সাথে সাথে, এটি নিয়ন্ত্রণের বাইরে চলে যায় - যার মধ্যে চুরি, ট্রাফিক লঙ্ঘন, জনসাধারণের নগ্নতা, আগুনের ঝুঁকি, গাড়ির আক্ষরিক মাথা থেকে মাথা বিধ্বস্ত হওয়া এবং দিনের আলোকে কেন্দ্রে সম্পত্তি ধ্বংস। শিবুয়া।
কিংবদন্তিটি নতুন শিল্পীদের অনুপ্রাণিত করে চলেছে এবং বছরের পর বছর ধরে ফিল্ম ডকুমেন্টারিতে প্রদর্শিত হচ্ছে, আজ "untitled2001" শুধুমাত্র শিল্পের ইতিহাসে সত্যিই একটি অসাধারণ মুহূর্ত হিসাবে বর্ণনা করা যেতে পারে।
“untitled2001" كان (حرفيا) حدثا مذهلا لفن الشارع أقيم بين 22 و 28 يناير (2001) في طوكيو ، اليابان. لقد أحدثت موجات صدمة لا تزال مستمرة في التأثير على عالم الفن ، بعد أكثر من 20 عامًا.
مع تصدّر الراحل كيث هارينغ هذه المناسبة ، تضمّنت معارض وعروضًا متطوّرة في جميع أنحاء المدينة لفنانين قادمين من مشاهد فنية في كاليفورنيا ونيويورك ولندن وغيرها. ذهب العديد منهم ليصبحوا أيقونات رائعة في وقت لاحق من حياتهم المهنية.
مع تشجيع الفنانين على إنشاء ما يريدون ، انتهى الأمر بالخروج عن نطاق السيطرة - بما في ذلك السرقة ، والمخالفات المرورية ، والعري العام ، ومخاطر الحرائق ، والاصطدام المباشر للسيارات وتدمير الممتلكات في وضح النهار في وسط المدينة. شيبويا.
مع استمرار الأسطورة في إلهام الفنانين الجدد وظهورها في الأفلام الوثائقية على مر السنين ، لا يمكن وصف اليوم “untitled2001" إلا على أنه لحظة غير عادية حقًا في تاريخ الفن.
“untitled2001” foi um impressionante evento de arte de rua realizado de 22 a 28 de janeiro de 2001, em Tóquio, Japão. Ele desencadeou ondas de choque que continuam a reverberar em todo o mundo, influenciando artistas e o mundo da arte mais de 20 anos depois do seu acontecimento.
Patrocinado pela Fundação Keith Haring, apresentou exposições e apresentações por toda a cidade de Tóquio de artistas vanguardistas da cena artística da Califórnia, Nova York e Londres, entre outros. A maioria desses artistas deu continuidade às suas carreiras, tornando-se ícones de novas formas de criar e exibir arte no século XXI.
Durante o evento os artistas convidados foram encorajados a criar o que quisessem, uma proposta libertadora que acabou saindo do controle - resultando em roubos, infrações de trânsito, nudez pública, riscos de incêndio, colisão de carros e destruição de propriedade em plena luz do dia em uma praça no centro de Shibuya.
O legendário evento continua a inspirar novos artistas e, ao longo dos anos, foi destaque em vários documentários cinematográficos. Ainda hoje “untitled2001” continua sendo um momento verdadeiramente extraordinário na história da arte.
"untitled2001" - это (в буквальном смысле) потрясшее мир событие в области уличного искусства, проходившее с 22 по 28 января 2001 года в Токио, Япония. Оно вызвало шоковые волны, которые продолжают оказывать влияние на мир искусства более 20 лет спустя.
Во главе мероприятия стоял покойный Кит Харинг, а по всему городу проходили выставки и перформансы художников, представлявших арт-сцены Калифорнии, Нью-Йорка, Лондона и других городов. Многие из них впоследствии стали великими иконами в своей карьере.
Поскольку художникам разрешалось творить все, что им заблагорассудится, в конечном итоге это вышло из-под контроля - включая кражи, нарушения правил дорожного движения, публичную наготу, пожарную опасность, буквально столкновение автомобилей лоб в лоб и уничтожение имущества средь бела дня в центре Сибуя.
Поскольку легенда продолжает вдохновлять новых художников и на протяжении многих лет фигурирует в документальных фильмах, сегодняшний день "untitled2001" можно охарактеризовать только как действительно экстраординарный момент в истории искусства.
"untitled2001" (kelimenin tam anlamıyla) 22 ve 28 Ocak (2001) arasında Tokyo, Japonya'da düzenlenen dünyayı sarsan bir sokak sanatı etkinliğiydi. 20 yıldan fazla bir süre sonra sanat dünyasını etkilemeye devam eden şok dalgaları yarattı.
Merhum Keith Haring'in bu vesileyle, diğerlerinin yanı sıra California, New York ve Londra'daki sanat sahnelerinden gelen sanatçılar tarafından şehrin her yerinde son teknoloji sergileri ve performansları yer aldı. Birçoğu daha sonra kariyerlerinde harika ikonlar haline geldi.
Sanatçıların istediklerini yaratmaya teşvik edilmesiyle, hırsızlık, trafik ihlalleri, kamu çıplaklığı, yangın tehlikeleri, arabaların kelimenin tam anlamıyla kafa kafaya çarpışması ve güpegündüz merkezinde mülk tahribatı da dahil olmak üzere kontrolden çıktı. Şibuya.
Efsanenin yeni sanatçılara ilham vermeye devam etmesi ve yıllar içinde film belgesellerinde yer almasıyla bugün "untitled2001" sanat tarihinde gerçekten olağanüstü bir an olarak tanımlanabilir.
"untitled2001" là (theo nghĩa đen) là một sự kiện nghệ thuật đường phố bắt mắt được tổ chức từ ngày 22 đến ngày 28 tháng 1 (2001) tại Tokyo, Nhật Bản. Nó đã tạo ra những làn sóng chấn động vẫn tiếp tục ảnh hưởng đến thế giới nghệ thuật, hơn 20 năm sau đó.
Với sự xuất hiện của Keith Haring quá cố, nó có các cuộc triển lãm và biểu diễn tiên tiến trên khắp thành phố của các nghệ sĩ đến từ các bối cảnh nghệ thuật ở California, New York và London và những người khác. Nhiều người trong số họ đã trở thành biểu tượng vĩ đại sau này trong sự nghiệp của họ.
Với việc các nghệ sĩ được khuyến khích tạo ra bất cứ thứ gì họ muốn, nó cuối cùng đã vượt quá tầm kiểm soát - bao gồm trộm cắp, vi phạm giao thông, ảnh khỏa thân nơi công cộng, nguy cơ hỏa hoạn, xe hơi đâm trực diện theo đúng nghĩa đen và phá hủy tài sản giữa ban ngày Shibuya.
Với huyền thoại tiếp tục truyền cảm hứng cho các nghệ sĩ mới và được giới thiệu trong các bộ phim tài liệu trong nhiều năm qua, ngày nay "untitled2001" chỉ có thể được mô tả như một khoảnh khắc thực sự phi thường trong lịch sử nghệ thuật.
To promote the event, a special website was built with
March 19th, 2021
“I spent a year in 2001 working on this. it was the world trade center 911attack and my home/studio was one block away from there. After running for my life that day I was able to go back and grab a handful of things the next day after I begged a policeman let me into my studio. He told me I might not be able to come back there for months…the one thing I grabbed was a case with all of this footage, I had 50 tapes the following year there was no work and everyone moved out of NYC so I worked on this movie. Anyway, it was made in final cut and the hard drives didn’t work anymore. I just had the exports and the raw tapes. So, it’s not a typical way to make this. To create this whole film again from scratch would have taken me months.
what you pulled off 20 years ago was amazing getting all these people together. no one would have thought all these artists would become so big and of course that Margaret would pass away so tragically so soon after. Anyway,it's a very special and historical story. the demolition derby footage has played in many museums here over the years.”
After the event was over, the artists were given two questions:
1. What do you think about untitled2001?
2. Did you enjoy untitled2001?
The following are their unedited responses:
what did i think of the untitled 2001 show-i thought it was a real treat for every one involved( the public include)to have so many really good artmakers in one session showing such large bodies of work collectively,it has never happenened before,as far as this group is conserned.it was a landslide cultral exchange,i feel very fortunate to been able to be a part of it,and pure destruction is always fun ,cars and bowling alleys.
who do you like untitled 2001-I liked it like an orange furry rug stretching for three miles in the blistering arabian sun cozzy!
2.untitled2001は、とても暑いアラビアのsun cozzyにひいてある、3マイルもあるオレンジ色のふわふわした敷物みたいに好きだった!
Untitled 2001 was like WW2 all over again.. It was a great chance for us to display what we were really capable of once pravoked on the streets of japan.
I must say that the time I was in Japan for Untitled 2001 was one of the best times I have ever spent abroad. Seeing Josh drive an unregistered graffiti car and almost get arrested, Mark have a naked nervous breakdown, Thomas throw a bowling ball through the ceiling of a bowling alley, and Ed run over a TV at full speed will forever remaine etched in my brain.
Hopefully in 2002 there will be more cops, guns, and kids with $500 north face jackets for me to tag on.
I can't wait!!!
1)untitled 2001 was half art/ half crime spree. Next year's mission is to completely erase the line between the two.
2)except for the fact that there is no size 11 sneakers, I loved it. domo arigato.
1. the event was large but relaxed.there was a good variety of artsists and places to see the work.some i already knew and others whos work i liked before hand.the events energy that had a good amount of control and chaos .tokyo is exciting and for me it is like a art event on its own ..it gives a good feeling to be involved with like minded people in an event like that.
2. you were right the answer to these isnt easy im not sure if i answerd them both already but i liked all the art and events. as an event and individually everything made sence.it was a great idea having the shows in different places with a map to guide you.all the works were respectfully displayed for viewing.the venues were impressive wether it was the out door demolishon derby or a museum space .i was blown away.
1. i think untitled 2001 is a good event because it is a cultural exchange where both the people who from japan and the artists themselves get to have a new experience this is positive for everybody. new information to process can be a good thing and in this case that is definately true.
2.i had an incredible time in tokyo it was great to get a look at your culture i enjoyed it alot. i met very nice people and enjyed doing the exhibit. i made some new friends there which was so nice. and i got to go to the best store in the world tokyo hands. they have everything there. thanks for the good time and memories maybe we will meet again
I can tell you that for me it was important to be at Untitled 2001 because it gave me tremendous insight into the continued popularity of Keith Haring's work and listening to the younger artists comments about Keith's importance to their work was extremely gratifying.
I especially enjoyed Barry McGee's slide presentation about the continuation of graffiti in America. His argument that we have come to accept the dominance of corporate advertising as part of our urban landscape but recoil at the sight of graffiti was extremely thought provoking. The beauty that he finds in the work of young daring graffiti artists on both coasts of the US was evident in his photographs and further illuminated his own strong beliefs in the validity and importance of street art. I think his point of view and insight was extremely refreshing and his respect for the work of Keith Haring gave me a whole new perspective on the work that I do for the Estate of Keith Haring. Chris Johanssen's slide presentation of his own work was an artwork in itself and extremely entertaining. The installations around Tokyo were extremely well done and garnered a lot of interest from the visitors. I was very happy to have been a part of this exciting venture and thank all of you at Sakura International for making it happen.
What stood out about the event wasn't only the installations however, it was also the many surrounding events. Cars smashed up in the street, concerts, clubs and bowling! The effort to take it out of the gallery and into the street was brave and despite a few awkward moments (nude artist in sleep deprived daze wandering the streets of Tokyo), mostly a success. It demonstrates that art isn't just what hangs on the wall in a gallery but is part of everyday life and the choices we make about how to live it. There is no question that the particular group of artist that you included are extremely worthwhile and that this is an important movement. I could only wish someone would do as comprehensive a group show of these fine young artists in the US.
> What do you think about the untitled 2001 ?
I thought it was an amazing idea. The idea of a group show comprised of many solo shows around the city is a genius idea. The stuff that happened was outrageous! The huge parties and renegade street activities were crazy. There was a crash-up derby in the middle of a shopping street in Tokyo!! and no one even cared! I'm sure there was thousands of dollars of damage! The group of artists chosen to be in it are the best. Graffiti, painting, Photography, installation it was all there. I thought it was great, I can't wait for the next one!
>How do you like the untitled 2001 ?
There was an atmosphere of fun and no-boundaries. The artist were taken care of very nicely, and each was given a space to do their work. I had such a great time while I was there. I like it because things like that do not happen every day, it was a once in a lifetime all expense paid fun-fest. I was honored to be part of it.
1 2001 was a forum for the mutated congregation of artists and leftist monkey children to discuss plans to take over the world!the suits will become like the c.h.u.d. !!!!
2 like underwear made of jello.... mmmmmmmmmm
the king of the turkeygoats will reign supreme !!!!!!....tg
1. I think it was a good way for people in Japan to learn about young artists.
2. I don't remember too much about it.
Canvas with all the Artists' signatures:
coming soon
by Last Comment
“ok. here goes...i will try to answer both of the questions with one answer.
I am pretty sure the untitled 2001 was one of the most inspiring and creative events I have ever been involved with.
There was such a excellent feeling about it, so much creativity on show, for everybody to see.
The whole spirit of the show was so inspiring and I`m happy i was a part of it because it took my idea of creativity to a new level.
I think that all the artists who worked on this event were all incredible, the amount of talent was pretty scary!
It scared me anyway.
the atmosphere created by the event made contact with people easier and more human, not something I would usually expect from an art event, it is something I took away with me and I would really love to do it again.
The event choc-a-blocked a lot of honest pieces,
created for the love of creating,
for the love of doing what you love doing.
Doing what you love doing, whatever it is, no matter what other people may think of it, or you while your doing it, is the only thing that matters.
It`s so easy to forget that art is fun >like playing< and UNTITLED 2001 really opened this idea up to a lot of people. A lot of people had FUN!”
今まで僕が参加したことのあるイベントの中で、untitled 2001は最も感動的でクリエイティブなイベントのひとつだったのは確実だ。そこには、素晴らしい感覚や、皆が見るための創造性豊かなショーがあった。